I enjoy working in a variety of styles and mediums. I typically work in a couple different ways. I’ll draw a sketch and ink it by hand. I’ll then either paint it with watercolors or scan it in and paint it digitally.
Some of the art below is available in print form in the Store. My favorite subject matter deals with fantasy and myths, children’s book art, and anything having to do with Halloween. This page mostly contains final art, but I post sketches and other work on my Instagram every once in a while.
Color Artwork Sampler
Black & White Artwork Sampler
Toned Paper Artwork Sampler
Artistic Influences
The following artists have had a huge influence on my artwork:
Arthur Rackham
Albrecht Durer
Leondardo da Vinci
Bernie Wrightson
Edward Gorey
Dr. Seuss
Berkeley Breathed
Tim Burton
Brian Froud
Alan Lee
William Stout
Maurice Noble
Charles Vess